Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Also dinner...

In case you didn't notice from the background of the beer photos, I'm also super classy tonight as I'm eating spagettios out of a can like a hobo.

Allies win the war!

Surprisingly chocolatety. I <3 Giles mystery packs.

Totally fell in love with the can design too. 21st amendment brewery has consistently amazing packaging and witty beers I love it. They also make my favorite summer beer: Come Hell or High Watermelon.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Decided to go all out

Mmm after that 4 am run in with the fire dept I really needed something meditative to do. Spicy garlicky sauce with crunchy zucchini. And bacon on the side! And because I never want to waste any part of delicious bacon thin mushroom slices sautéed in bacon Greece with onion, red pepper, and sea salt.

I fell so much better now. Fed watered and relaxed. Perfect for bed

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

coming soon!

Should be posting the pictures from my charles/MGH exploration soon, lots of cool out of the way places to visit, and fun Boston oddities.

Spoiler alert: I'll be including the address of the most delicious canoli's in Boston.

Sunday, March 11, 2012